I originally started this blog on the 10th of May, and then Blogger had that issue on the 11th and my blog disappeared. Eh, not to worry. I'll just re-post what I had written then:
This blog is for exploring the humongous world of computer programming, and other computerish topics. I will likely post tutorials of beginner, intermediate, advanced levels, and talk about interesting anecdotes and stories that I experience in my career as a computer programmer. (I use the word "career" lightly. I'm actually an aerospace engineer).
As of this writing, I am familiar with five programming languages: FORTRAN, JustBASIC, C++, Python, and MatLab. Of these I have been programming in BASIC the longest, and have made many interesting programs on it. I also consider myself an "expert" in FORTRAN, having used it profusely as an aerospace engineer. As for C++ and Python, I'm at the beginner- to intermediate-level, so don't expect anything too highfalutin in that department just yet.
That said, what am I going to post first? Well, I figured I'd post my tutorials on Beginning Programming with Just BASIC. First things first. Learn how to program a computer. I've already made several good video tutorials on my YouTube Channel that would do wonders on this blog.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3